So now the Brotherhood is in the vote stage.
ANPA hopes that the pilots look at this from the wallet point of view.
The past gains the pilot group (AAPAG) has gotten from Allegiant have been nothing short of amazing both from the amount of dollars but the time frame from which the raises were gained from start to finish of negotiations. Only averaging 3 to 6 months.
ANPA wishes to capitalize on those gains (and the relationship with the company) toward future gains starting with the pay scale being open for negotiation next year.
Some in IBT say that the pilot group has no teeth…past history shows that to be false. Some feel that if the pilot group puts on an IBT gorilla suit and jumps up and down in Maury’s office he will quake and fold. Those that have dealt with Mr. Gallagher know better.
Did each of you when negotiating for a car or house approach the salesman it with an aggressive and hostile attitude? The pilots have built a relationship with the company that is much like a family. We fight and disagree but we have always been in this together.
IBT will completely destroy this relationship.
From a pure dollar point of view of the pilot here is what to expect with an adversarial IBT negotiotiation…
1), All rules and pay are frozen during this initial time. Rules based on past practice but
not explicitly written can easily go away and we will expend negotiating capital to earn them back
2) Dues for the average captain under IIBT estimated $2,500 year
3) 3 to 5 year’s minimum to a new pay scale (just look at the flight attendants)
So a pilot will look at a $2,500 IBT pay “cut” plus losing out on many years of NO pay raises. Sounds like a bad deal.
ANPA has many pilots that have been in Pilot Unions before and they understand the limits of what a union can promise and deliver. IBT has built up expectations that will leave many disappointed in the future.
Allegiant National Pilots Association